Learn the truth and come closer to christ Jesus

Q. Does 'The Law' condemn us?

A. Never! The Law protects not only the one who keeps it, but also every one around him.

Those who follow 'The Law' enjoy freedom. 
Let's suppose a conscious driver who keeps the traffic rules, goes at a nominal speed, stops at every red light, takes correct turns as per the sign boards. Now you'll find, that he is at liberty to go everywhere. For he keeps the rules and the others are safe. Whereas, let's assume another driver who's driving his car at a speed beyond the permitted limit, skips the red lights and knocks down the bypasses. Now, what do you think would happen? You will find that the traffic police, chasing down after him and soon he would loose his liberty. His car would be impounded and his licence would be suspended. So, which one of the two has the freedom?
2 Timothy 3:16 "The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right."
2 Timothy 4:3-4 "For there is going to come a time when people won't listen to the truth, but will go around looking for teachers who will tell them just what they want to hear. They won't listen to what the Bible says but with blithely follow their misguided ideas."
John 14:15 "If you love me, keep my commandments."
John 14:21 "The one who obeys me is the one who loves me; and because he loves me, my Father will love him; and will too, and I will reveal myself to him."
John 3:36 "And all who trust him - God's Son - to save them have eternal life; those who don't believe and obey him shall never see heaven, but the wrath of God remains upon them."

The Psalmist sings in 119:1 "Happy are all who perfectly follow the laws of God." 
Psalm 119:12-17 "Blessed Lord, teach me your rules." v.13 "I have recited your Laws." v.14 "And rejoiced in them more than in riches. I will meditate upon them and give them my full respect. I will delight in them and not forget them. Bless me with life so that I can continue to obey you." 
This should be an everyday prayer of a true follower of Christ the Savior.

Frequently Asked Questions :

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Q. Are the Ten Commandments reduced to just two ? Does that mean we don't have to follow the others ? 

​​​​A. Matthew 22:36-40 " 'Sir, which is the most important command in the laws of Moses?' Jesus replied 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. The second most important is similar: 'Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself'. All the other commandments and all the demands of the prophets stem from these two laws and are fulfilled if you obey them. Keep only these and you will find that you are obeying all the others." 

Truly, our God is a very highly intelligent Lord. Let's go over what Lord Jesus stated first in the passage above, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind." 
The first five laws of Moses are : 
1. Love your God
2. Do not worship idols.
3. Do not use the name of your God in vain. 
4. Remember to keep the Sabbath holy. 
5. Honor your father and mother. 
These five commandments attribute to obeying and worshiping the Lord. 
You obey in order to show your complete love to your Lord. 
- You love your God and worship him therefore you will not workship any idol (second law). 
- You love your God and therefore you will obey him by not using His name in vain (third law).
- You love your God and therefore you will obey and worship him on the day He has ordained, blessed and sanctified at the time of creation (fourth law). 
- You love your God and therefore you will honor your Father and Mother, who have been placed in authority over you by Him. 

Hence, you will obey Him in all these five laws if you want to keep the First law. 

Then Jesus said "Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself". 
- If you love your fellow being, you will not murder him. 
- If you love your neighbor, you will not commit adultery.
- If you love your neighbor, you will not steal anything that belongs to him and his family.
- If you love your neighbor, you will not bear false witness in any matter relating to them. 
- If you love your neighbor, you will not be envious and covet of his family, servants and cattle. 

Lord Jesus has concised all the Ten laws of God most high in just two, bringing them together, the importance of one's allegiance and honor to God and to love one another as man to man. 
I'm sure many modern day Christians have misunderstood the truth behind Jesus' words. Hope and pray the above explanation will open their eyes and help them obey both Jesus and our Father in heaven, thereby bringing blessings upon all who love God with all their heart, soul and mind.